Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) can help increase housing solutions for local workers and college students, provide multi-generational housing options, plus offer income opportunities for community members.

Many seniors choose to move into an ADU on their property, freeing up their larger home for children or other family members. 

The Housing Solutions Partnership launched a project to provide four plan sets for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) that are pre-approved by each jurisdiction in Kootenai County and available to the public free of charge. The plans will be housed in multiple locations online, including the partnership’s website at

A committee under the partnership created a request for plan proposals accompanied by a white paper explaining the proposed use. Plans for Accessory Dwelling Units were submitted by local architects, home designers and engineers. The NIBCA past president helped select four plan sets which were reviewed by building department heads and planners from local municipalities with necessary changes submitted back to the designers. The plans were edited for accuracy and addendums for use were provided by each jurisdiction as well as the County and Panhandle Health District. 

A public awareness campaign with the plans being available for use is scheduled for January 2025. 


THE ABCs of ADUS: This introduction to Accessory Dwelling Units courtesy of AARP explores how ADUs expand housing options for people of all ages. View more ADU resources from the AARP HERE.